(404) 824-1014 mary@marynorwood.com
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Show Your Support

Our campaign is relying on the support of our community and of voters like you. Will you join Mary’s team and make an online donation today?

How can I contribute?

Online Donation

Click below to show your support and make an online donation today.

Mail a Check

Checks may be mailed to:

Mary Norwood for City Council
P.O. Box 250642
Atlanta, GA 30325

Please make checks payable to “Mary Norwood for City Council”.


How much can I contribute to Mary Norwood for City Council?

Individual Limits

$2,800 for the 2021 General Election

$1,500 designated for the 2021 General Run-off Election

Couple Limits

$5,600 for the 2021 General Election

$3,000 designated for the 2021 General Run-off Election

Business Limits

$2,800 for the 2021 General Election

$1,500 designated for the 2021 General Run-off Election

An individual and one business may contribute up to $8,600.
A couple and one business may contribute up to $12,900.



Please contact Stephanie Jones at:
(770) 818-1493 or rsvp@campaignconsultinggroupllc.com